Monday, November 28, 2011

Slacker of sorts.

For someone who never seems to shut her pie hole (or pot hole, as Clara likes to say), I am not a good blogger. So, what should I enlighten you with today folks?
I am currently sitting in my beautifully decorated living room. Looking around I am overwhelmed with the love and appreciation I have for my husband. Words cannot express how much I adore this man. I can look around my house and know I am loved. You see,  he unpacked most everything from our move and looked at me saying, "You tell me where you want it all love." He single handedly hung every picture, sconce, and whatnot. We love whatnots and spent a lot of time picking out our perfect ones. Usually this arduous task is solely mine but not since marrying him. I can't tell you how I have dreamed of having a marriage like this, working hand in hand and actually enjoying it. It's amazing, truly. Our house is somewhere I love to be, it's something I am proud of.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Deception by dessert.

As previously stated in my first blog, I love cupcakes. My partner in crime, better known as my husband, he also is a lover of the cupcakes. We both have a sweet tooth that is out of control. No will power, either of us. So, we are quite the connoisseurs of cupcakes. While being stationed at Fort Campbell, Kentucky we were thrilled when a bakery opened completely devoted to cupcakes. I will not divulge on how many times we frequented this establishment. They had the most ah-mazing flavors, truly works of art in their own right. Why does my title speak of deception you say? Oh, let me just tell you why. After moving to my hometown of San Antonio, Rob and I sitting here one night starting reminiscing of our Cupcakery. Immediately I google "CUPCAKE BAKERY+ SAN ANTONIO" Jacccckkkpot! And what do we have here? Kate's Frosting- Located on Broadway 4.2 miles from our house? Yes, please! We will be there as soon as I find my other flip flop! We find the place with ease and I take a minute to appreciate how completely adorable it is. Brightly painted with a ginormus whimsical cupcake on the roof. The sun is shining down on it like God is giving it his approval. Could this rival the Cupcakery? Upon entering my excitement goes down a notch when I see a very sad display of baked goods. You are offering me vanilla/vanilla, vanilla/chocolate, chocolate/chocolate and carrot cake? Seriously people. You are dealing with pro-fess-i-ooonals.

I bought $25 worth of those miserable excuses of cupcakes. We ate them in silence, frowning the entire time. Wherever you are Kate, if you are listening....your cupcakes suck ass. I could bake a box of Betty Crocker, slap a can of frosting in a ziploc baggy and squirt it on top of some cupcakes and it would be better than what you are producing.

Point of this? Don't mess with cupcakes.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Min-Ow is in the house

Min-Ow= Minnie Mouse in Maddy speak. Our girl made the transition tonight, she is officially in a big girl bed. It was delivered today and I had to have some assistance from the Bigs in putting it together since Dad was at work. Maddy was completely thrilled with the final project and we have been prompting her all day, "You ready to sleep in your big girl bed tonight?!"  Of course, her bedroom is ever nicely positioned right near the stairs. Baby gate in place- check.  Her current obsession with Min-Ow is now her big girl bed theme. Sleep tight little big girl.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Little ol' me.

Ahem. *cough, cough* 

Me? I am 29 years old. Divorced and happily remarried. Mother of 3 biological children and have stepchildren, some of which I have yet to meet. I am short-tempered and often speak before I think but am making a whole hearted attempt to change that. I have a loud personality and ridiculous sense of humor but am extremely shy, go figure how that even works. I pretty much suck at making friends and get petrified about even meeting new people. I could eat cupcakes My daughter Clara asked me what my favorite color was today and I responded, "rainbow." She didn't even question my answer or try and tell me that, "Rainbow isn't a color Mom." I love that about her, she totally gets me. Recently I lost close to 70lbs only to gain 24lbs back. Can we talk about how pissed I am about that? Oh, goodbye will power *insert cupcake* Ever hear someone say, "She's eating for two now!" in regards to pregancy? Yeah, I do that the minute I pee on a pregnancy test and it comes back positive.  I was almost 12 weeks pregnant when I found out our baby didn't make it. I am trying to get over the sad, empty feeling of losing our miracle but my weight gain is a bitter reminder. I listen to music really loud and my taste is pretty eclectic. I wish I had a good singing voice,  I think my family does too. I adore makeup, curly hair and being feminine. I burp. A lot. I hate having insomnia. I worry and stress about everything and get irritated that my husband doesn't.  Truth is, I am wound tight and hate to admit that. Although, I can say that my overwhelming need for control is getting to be less and less. Over these past two years or so, I have learned so much about myself. It's been one wild ride. Moving, deployment, divorce, marriage, miscarriage and pretty much anything else you can think of. I think right now I am at a point in my life where I can just breathe. It feels pretty good.